This collaboration gives voice to 1,000,000 minority nurses and to the lived health experience of a constituency marginalized from mainstream health delivery systems. Its goals include support for the development of a cadre of ethnic nurses reflecting the nation’s diversity; advocacy for culturally competent, accessible and affordable health care; promotion of the professional and educational advancement of ethnic nurses; education of consumers, health care professionals and policy makers on health issues of ethnic minority populations; development of ethnic minority nurse leaders in areas of health policy, practice, education and research; endorsement of best practice models of nursing practice, education, and research for minority populations.
The National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations (NCEMNA) is a unified force advocating for equity and justice in nursing and health care for ethnic minority populations. Incorporated NCEMNA 1998, NCEMNA is a tax exempt (IRS 501 (c) (3)) non-profit professional organization. NCEMNA, Inc. is made up of five national ethnic nurse associations: