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Our Affiliates

Affiliate Members of NCEMNA


To establish NCEMNA Affiliates which is a network of professional nursing
organizations who support the mission and goals of NCEMNA for the purpose of improving
health and achieving health equity for ethnic minority nurses and populations.


NCEMNA National Affiliate Organization membership is open to national nursing
organizations whose mission aligns with NCEMNA’ work and values.
The mission and vision of NCEMNA is to be a unified body advocating for equity and justice in
healthcare. To be a leading voice and driving force for ethnic minority nurses and populations.
The charter members of NCEMNA include the following ethnic minority professional nursing
associations; National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association, Inc. (NANAINA),
National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Inc. (NAHN), Asian American Pacific Islanders
Nurse Association, Inc. (AAPINA), National Black Nurses Association, Inc. (NBNA),
Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc. (PNAA).


The Board of Directors of NCEMNA, the approving body of Affiliation status,
establishes the following criteria for the National Affiliate Organization membership:
1. The national organization must complete the application and be approved by NCEMNA’s
Board of Directors.
2. National Affiliate organizations are non-voting members and will serve in an advisory
capacity to the NCEMNA Board of Directors.

​3. National Affiliate organization members will be invited to NCEMNA meetings and may be
appointed to a subcommittee or group that makes recommendations to the NCEMNA Board.
4. Each national Affiliate organization will have one representative seat assigned to the president,
or another designated officer. The individual will be listed as the contact for the organization.
5. The national Affiliate organization must be a national nursing association or individual who
has a professional interest in activities that foster the improvement of health equity and justice in
6. The annual dues for national Affiliate organization members is $5,000 annually on the date the
organization became an Affiliate member.

Benefits to the Organization Affiliates

Benefits to the Organization Affiliates are annual and practical once dues are paid.

1. Two free promotional announcements about meetings or other activities on the NCEMNA website.
2. One webinar CE opportunity.
3. One full-page advertisement for our annual policy summit program.
4. Invitation to a meeting with the NCEMNA Board of Directors twice per year.
5. Listed on our Affiliates page on the NCEMNA website.

Application for NCEMNA National Organizational Affiliate 
Is your organization a:
Is your organization tax exempt?

Thanks for submitting!


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Advocacy, Make a Difference

NCEMNA Office Headquarters:

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739

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