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Veronica Vital, PhD, MLS, RN

Veronica Vital has 26 years of nursing experience in academia, research, pediatrics, women’s

health, and community health. She completed her Master of Legal Studies in 2021 and PhD in Nursing in 2013 from the University of Arizona. Dr. Vital received her BSN in 1998 and MSN in 2005 from Arizona State University. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Alverno College. Dr. Vital has been a member of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) since 1997 and she is the current President of NAHN. Throughout her capacity as a NAHN national leader, she served on the Board of Directors for seven years as the Bylaws Committee Chair and the Equity, Diversity Inclusion Committee Chair. Additionally, she served a term as the Nominating Committee Chair. Locally, Dr. Vital served multiple terms as President and Vice President of the Phoenix Chapter. She successfully led NAHN national initiatives in Phoenix such as the MueveteUSA project; Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA); All of Us Research Program in Latino Communities; and Pfizer Vaccine Partnership. She also co-led the Mentorship Academy. Dr. Vital is dedicated to advancing health equity and addressing health disparities. She is a nursing champion and serves on community advisory boards addressing health inequities locally and nationally. Dr. Vital serves as an Executive Committee member for the Nurses on Boards Coalition and is a Board of Director for the National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Association (NCEMNA).


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